Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Precious Letter

Gabriella's Keyboarding instructor has had the students doing assignments lately relating to what you want to be when you grow up. The latest assignment required the students to write a letter requesting an interview for a position involving what they want to be when they grow up. I thought Gabriella's letter was precious and had to share it.

Dear Dr Wilson:

Hi, I am writing to you for the position you have. My friend is a doctor and told me about the open position. I have been searching for a position for a month now and would like to interview for resident pediatrician.

I think you should hire me because I would make an unbelievable doctor. I want to work for you because that is my dream. My strengths are working with children. I love working with children and helping people. My education has an A+. I went to school for 12 years.

I have went to school for 12 years. I did a few practice years at Florida Hospital in Orlando. I have been doing practice years with children.

May I please have an interview? I think I would be great for the position. Please contact me at 407-333-0463. Thank you for your time and patience.


Dr. Gabriella M. D., MD

I pray, Gabriella, that the Lord guide your every step and grant you every desire of your heart. You are a precious gift and, yes, you are "unbelievable"...unbelievably wonderful ;)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Little Ballerina

Ava has been asking about going to dance classes for some time now. We finally found a studio nearby that seemed like a great fit for what we were looking for. We stopped by and watched a class and were invited to come back for a free trial class.

To say Ava was excited about this oppurtunity is probably an understatement ;)

Shall we say things went a bit sour from that first picture above? It turns out they switched class days and Ava was so bummed!

The good news is, we went back for the new class time and Ava LOVED the class. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera that day! I did go ahead and sign her up for the class so more smiling pictures are on their way ;)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Foggy Morning Conversation

Ava-"Ooohhhh, it's white out!" followed by squeals and giggles ;)